Saturday, January 13, 2007

tick tock .........

So I come to you today with plans in hand, if everything goes how it should by Monday the 15th I will no longer own my house and I will be free, that’s right readers the day that I thought would never come is now here, so got me a van and got me some moving to do, at the moment I have nowhere to go so storing some things at my mum’s for the time being as it should only be a few week before I have a place in Manchester. So got Sunday Monday to get everything out that I want, got a home clearance coming round to get rid of the stuff I don’t want as that would be some extra cash in my tight pockets.

But I don’t care I have nowhere to go, I can live like that for weeks and weeks if that what it takes, so hopefully my next post will come after Monday and I will have done! DONE!

As for everything else got enough work from work to keep my bust until I die, trying to tech other people the finer points of the complex world of projection can be a difficult task but one I have been given! I could spend days trying to explain and train someone in the fine art of projection but I don’t have that sort of time.

I have started working on a new video project, the first time I'm shooting all the footage and using a mini dv cam as well which means a change in quality, a change for the good. Its coming on well but I only can shoot footage when I'm in there and if I get a little spare time, it’s not my ambition to star in my short films but I will have to do. Think I’ll keep the project under wraps for the time being until its done.

Started to look at a car upgrade, mine has done me well but after 5 years and thousands of miles it’s starting to show it age, I could do without a car as I'm looking at moving in to the middle of Manchester but I love the thing and still like the idea of keeping hold of it, so a new one is on the books but we will see what comes up.