Friday, August 11, 2006

The morning after the night before!

So it's 10am and i have been up since 7:30 after a really good night out, went drinking in Manchester for a good friends birthday! (Happy Birthday Mate!) we ended up at 5th Ave enjoying the fantastic music and drinking the night away! but god do i feel it today, DETOX is what is called for i think, keep the water flowing and someone stop the room from spinning coz i think this is my stop, but no sick! which is always a plus in my book! after taking a lot of video (to the point i started to annoy people) i intent to make him some little reminder of how the night went but i think i would like to forget some parts of it.

House Update!
Well today i have a viewing from a 1st time buyer! Which is good, this will have been the 2nd viewing on my house and i have another booked in for saturday which is FANTASTIC news, so tonight will involve cleaning and making my house look wonderful!
Keep posted for the latest on House UpDate

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