Saturday, August 12, 2006

Verson 1 of the last night out

So after sorting through all the clips and a bit of chopping and changing i have come up with version 1 of the finished vid, im expecting some more clips of the night and i will edit them in on the next one, it dose look a little pixilated, thinks its the new editing software and my lack of knowledge about using it!

I did feel a little rough from that night this morning but i think my hangovers retile to how much fun i had on the night!

So what else can i let the world know? Well 2nd phone call to the Ex and another good out come! I know it may sound stupid and i admit i do think it would make all this easier if i did just cut here out all together but that wouldn’t be me, and im not about to start changing (well the good changes are ok).
Tomorrow i get to enjoy the day with the girl im seeing! Now this is something im looking forward to, no matter how much shit im in or the problems with work or my life i seam to leave it behind me when i see her, even when im back to the world of work, bills, mortgage, house, selling it, cleaning and the rest it only takes a text message it bring a smile to my face, this maybe small to some people but to me that’s a wonderful feeling when it happens, now lets not get to serous about this, i think we all know the feelings that come with meeting some one new and im not denying that i have them but Baby steps people! So what we will end up doing im unsure about but what ever it is i can put money on the fact i will enjoy it.
So that would be a good day it kick off the challenging few days, what am i talking about? Milton Keynes baby!!!!! at 4am i will be going (with a friend, you know who you are hun!) to Milton Keynes to spend two days working our magic on the cinema's projection booth, why would we have to do it you ask! Well when you become as good as we are people all over the UK would want the sort magic we can do in a projection booth, some projectionist can even look at us with out wetting then selves! Now how ever good we are, we like all living things require sleep, we may be magicians but could turn evil with lack of sleep, so i think that will be the only crap thing about the trip. But im sure we can drink all night and get some hookers (that’s for the girly j). But after the what im sure will be a saga of events will be 2 days off! and what will i do with two full, next to each other, days off? Drink, Sleep, Eat, See you know who, Sleep, Drink, Sleep Eat and what ever else i can come up with. So the way you could look at it is one Fantastic day, Two long but ok days followed but (possibly) another great day or even days (notice the s did you!) depending on what fate, destiny or even karma has down for that day.

Night all x

Friday, August 11, 2006

The morning after the night before!

So it's 10am and i have been up since 7:30 after a really good night out, went drinking in Manchester for a good friends birthday! (Happy Birthday Mate!) we ended up at 5th Ave enjoying the fantastic music and drinking the night away! but god do i feel it today, DETOX is what is called for i think, keep the water flowing and someone stop the room from spinning coz i think this is my stop, but no sick! which is always a plus in my book! after taking a lot of video (to the point i started to annoy people) i intent to make him some little reminder of how the night went but i think i would like to forget some parts of it.

House Update!
Well today i have a viewing from a 1st time buyer! Which is good, this will have been the 2nd viewing on my house and i have another booked in for saturday which is FANTASTIC news, so tonight will involve cleaning and making my house look wonderful!
Keep posted for the latest on House UpDate

Thursday, August 10, 2006

ps new video

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

For Sale! 1House!

so three week on the market and nothing until the viewing Tuesday and ... an offer of £62,000 possibly up tp £65,000, now i know i want out soon and to begin with when i started to look at selling 65 would have been up my street but now i have another viewing on Friday and the estate agent is getting some interest in my house which makes me feel great! i mean really good, still im not getting to excited but its hard not to. Not the only thing to start in the right direction today, after what i would say was the best conversation i have had with the Ex, all i want is some help selling the house and nothing more but like i have said it would be a shame to lose such along friendship, i would do the same for any of my close friends.

But to make things a little interesting today i got pulled by the police in a road check! WTF, i now have on file that i have been stopped and checked even though nothing was wrong, i did notice sat there that only crapy, older cars were getting pulled, all the BMW ect rolled on by. I tried cracking a few jokes to lighten the mood but the officer of the law must have left his sense of humor in the police locker! I asked him how long he had to stand out side in the cold wind and rain, he said all day, i said i get to sit down inside in the warm but what ever pays the bills right! Still no smile! Tough Crowed!

to end my night is cleaning! got loads of bits and bobs for the house, things to make it look and smell nice! Decided to make a house update section to each blog, see next post for details!
Night x

a moment of clarity

So after a longish day at work (2 blogs on the same day should tell you how long its been) i got home tired and a bit bummed (not in that way) about all the problem i seam to have to deal with in my life, i know we all have these problem in one way or another in our life’s and i was waiting of the down day as its been a while and it was here, i got home, sat down, lessened to some fantastic music and remembered everything good in my life by giving advice to a friend, there is always a silver lining in everything we have to deal with in life, when you are happy then nothing else really matters, with out the down time life brings there would never be up time through life. i sat there, am sitting there looking forward to all that i have to come, no matter how hard or how much fun i have to have.

As fate/destiny/karma waves it hand in front of my face media center has started to play Snow Patrol - Set Fire To The Third Bar (Ft Martha Wainwright) a fantastic track. how dose fate have it hand in this, well someone who i like and think like's me like's this song (to many like's i think) so can you see how the small things can matter, no matter how small. as now this song brings a smile to my face.

Things to do tomorrow and i hope i will get some fun to go with it, Keep posted of the next thrilling installment of the sager of life!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

@ work all day!

So while i had a small brake at work i put together this small video, i needed to try out Adobe's video editing software and had a small clip that Cinemec had taken on my phone some time ago, so here it is,

Apart from the fun and excitement that work brings its been a some what uneventful day, nothing like wading through solicitors paperwork and trying to work out what need to be dome for the week to make me in a crap mood.

Stay Safe!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Update Dar .. Dar ... Dit ... Dar ....

So after a fun weekend which involved drinks a John's Birthday (Happy Birthday Mate!) at there beautiful home it was fantastic to catch up with some friends i had not seen for a while and the friends that’s i do. so many drinks later and some fantastic food (and a more smooth BBQ that the last one, see the photo!) it was time to get a few hours sleep before Sundays fun. After dropping of some friends (the perils of having a car and a big hart!) i happened upon a small town west of manchester, i cant remember the name of it! Hang on Something like Megil .. .. nope .. .. .. May be Magull, not quite sure but after arriving at this town i realized that it was familiar and i did know someone who happened to be staying in that very same town! what are the odds? So after searching for her number in my phone i managed to text her saying i was in the area and would she like to meet up, you know just on the off chance! and what would you know! she was free, And that’s not the amazing thing! I was parked out side of her house!
(ok this may exactly how it happend)
So we walked for some time catching up on the events that entertain us in our own worlds and everything anyone would want to talk about, to peak this tranquil story a trip to asda (yes asda and i big one might i add) to get abit of food for my tea (a mood spoiler? Answers on a post card) but then on to more relaxing surroundings located in a beer garden (no beer this time, both of us were happy to give the alcohol a miss for one day a week) After the weather decided to provided its own mood spoiler back to the car to engoy some music and chat some more, the next thing to happen was a small party of ..... humm .... local yobs! is that PC? decided to confess he would like me to 'Do Him', i can only image as i don’t look like a hit man or have ever fired a gun let alone killed some one he meant in the sexual way, after getting over the flattery i declined but informed him that Manchester was much more accepting that some of the smaller villages (not that this town was one of them) After spending peaty much every spear minute i could there it was time for home for a quick tea and bed that’s to my lack of sleep and early start as the time had just run away.

So I after this story i hope i dont need to describe how much fun i had, i would even class Sunday as amazing, and that would be all the event of my day.

To bring on the other events that have kept my world busy would be my house, well someone is coming to view it tomorrow but my feet are well on the ground, i do like the idea of karma and i have everyone to be confident for me about selling my house but i dont want to get excited about something that may take a while, as cretin people will know im already peaty buzzed about moving to manchester.
The thing that not to easy to write about would be the Ex, i am determined to try and make some sort of friend ship work after this is over, i know what some may say but when you spend this amount of time together i think it would be a shame to lose, but its not easy when i have to try and get help in the job of selling a house, i keep being told just to do things on my own but the quickest way is if we both work at it, i hope to find some ground that we both can be comfortable. I no longer want this to be a part of my life that i feel sad about, not the loss but just the feelings i get with when I have to deal with it. Bit to Deep!

Cinemec working on his BBQ

Something to get excited about,

A wonderfull photo from a new, sexy, up comming artist and her mobile phone

Well its about time i was going to bed as work once again tomorrow and its an all'day'er.
THanks you've been a great audience