Friday, July 28, 2006

Before the weekend

So its Friday night and im at work till 3am (yep that right all you 9-5 people) and I have the full weekend off thanks to the wonderful skill of the schedule righter at work (there is your big thanks) and what do I have planned? Well fun! And that’s how it should be. Now you may have noticed a slight change in how I spend my days off over the last few weeks, there is less time working on the house and more time having fun. Why? Not totally sure but the fact im still the only one out of the two side of this break up to put what I would describe as ‘effort’ in to sorting out the house to improve our chance of selling and the now nasty way im being treated doesn’t motivate me to sell the house and hand over half the £££££. So instead of stopping my life and trying to do everything I have made the choice of instead saying ‘sorry I cant, got to work on my house!’ I say ‘Yep im off’.

The Weekend is hopefully going to be a fun few days, not totally sure of my plans (well I know who but not what) but some times its nice to just have fun with out a plan, Im sure food, drink will be involved and maybe some sun weather permitting

Ok lets cover the last few days of my week, had Tuesday off to clean and tidy and box thing up so I haven’t totally stopped the working on house thing. Wednesday was a different matter, Down to a beautiful beach of a picnic (well not a massive meal) and on to enjoy the finer surroundings of Formby, what I day! Its been a while sine I have had such a good time that time has just disappeared and to spend the last few hours of the day watching the sun set with someone who made it look ordinary was a beautiful end to a beautiful day.

Well I have to go as the Duty manager wants a brew and god forbid the dam management can make their own, you know what they say ‘pay peanuts get monkeys’

Just thought I would add some of the photo’s I have taken recently.

This was my Grandads pub,

After my Sunday drinking a took thease pissed.

They like him that much they named a park after him!

The Beatles, Nice.

The northern quarter

Monday, July 24, 2006

Old friends!

Today started with a good drink with an old friend, someone who I have known for years, lived with for some of that time but with anybodies life it tends to lead you all in different directions so its been a while since we went for a drink. It was good to catch up and remember some of the fun time we had both encountered through our life's and to find out what were both doing now.
While in a slightly drunken state we made our way to HVM to pick up 'Paolo Nuitun - these streets' as from what I heard it sound like a good album, and yes people I did but it from a shop with money and everything, but that wasn't the only album to be discovered on a slow Sunday, Regina Spektor has another fantastic sound and what an album, I was put on to 'Us' which is off the 'Soviet Kitsch' album and what a fantastic song,

Thought today was a lucky day to find to new and interesting sounds. Just give them a try!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Seeing someone!?!?! Yep i am!

Hi all, I cant stop for long as Im at work and my film is about to finish and I get to go home!!!!!! But I could not let today go buy with out making a entire on my blog.

The World is good and full of happiness, dose this sound like the talk of some one who is happy, yes it dose and yes I am, why? Well that would be down to one person and me finally admitting what and where this person fits in to my world. If you are a follower of my Blog you may have picked up on the ‘Good Friend’ saying a few times through out my adventures and for a time this is how I would have described my relationship with this person, Now this is something which dose make my think with the labels we give different stages of each relationship, I mean its only a name but I have and did decided that how ever its just a name I can be important. Being in the place Im in right now the last thing I want to do is rush back in to a relationship but I cant kid myself either, So here i
t is, Im Seeing someone! Now that wasn’t hard to say, it doesn’t make me feel like in rushing but it dose make me feel good and makes me smile every time I say it, not because of the relationship thing but because of the person Im talking about.

Well im now at home and its 4am, back up drinking tomorrow with some old friends which should be good to catch up so im off to bed, Night all x