Friday, April 06, 2007

Bank Holiday Friday

Good bank holiday afternoon to you all, well unlike lost people a bank holiday is like any other for the projectionist of this world and another day at work but with one added benefit, double time! And its very welcome seeing as I don’t feel what you would call a million dollars after going out last night! And where would I have been you ask? Well I took my girl friend out and got some good food down at the Printworks and then off round the northern quarter, quick stop in Odd bar for some strawberry beer which I would recommend and then on to Dry bar where we spent the remainder of the night, now even with my present hangover it was and still is a wonderful night and I fully enjoyed it and only having to walk 5 mins down the road before being at home was good.

Now back to today and having to walk to work in the wonderful sun was nice until I slowly realized I was working to work where the sun would stop for a few hours, not nice, O and my roommates hamster escaped so making sure I didn’t step on anything on the way out, bet the hamsters a sleep somewhere.

Right got to go work, have fun in the sun Holiday people.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

back to Blackburn, Take 1

Hi all,

Hope you have all been out enjoying the sun as i have been trying to do and did get to do today in Liverpool, i have started to realise that it is a very nice place with some fantastic bars and if all goes well i will be visiting next weekend. I know what you’re thinking ‘this bloke seams to get a lot of weekends off’ but the last few have not been planned but next week is, and I’m hoping it will be nice so I can enjoy getting boozed up.

I had a trip back to Blackburn to take my little sister out for her tea, she is not my real sister but she has known me for many many years and she sees me as her brother so i thought i would take her out and it was a nice day, i picked her up from school and took her out for the evening, some time on the play ground, stop at the shop for sweets and then on to Frankie and Benny’s for some good food. It was nice and i enjoyed it and didn’t come back to Manchester with any bad feelings, if anything it made me feel good as finally i feel like I'm where i wanted to be, living in Manchester, having a flat, nice car, a job i love and to boot a beautiful, sexy, brainy, funny, wonderful and amazing girl friend. All i need now is a house near the sea and I'm done for want in my life.

Things to do for the next few weeks –

1. 1.Go out more.

2. 2.Enjoy the sun at every avenue

Small list i know but still a list.

Night Night Peps