Saturday, November 25, 2006


So the end of the working month could only mean one thing and that would be pay day and non to soon as the day before I had a full 70p to my name, now when I say 70p I mean absolutely nothing more, I managed to get some food for the day but that was it. I did intend to go home that night for a change but with the train costing £9 there was no chance of that. Due to the lack of home visits I ended up washing some essential items in a sink at work just so I could have clan cloths for the few remaining days it Manchester. I do intend to go home tomorrow as I'm starting to forget where the place is. With the pay day now here I got chance to pay the internet bill which had leaded to the internet to my house being cut off! How could they do that, I think it should be part of human rights. So home with some tv shows to download and watch and probably back to Manchester for another few days!

student life

Well what can I say, still got nothing through from the house people and still waiting on the second survey back just to make sure everything is ok and there are no big problems, got some more paper work to send back to the solicitors and they are requesting the deeds for the house which I'm not exactly sure what that means but it sounds like it’s a big ish thing so things are still moving but I just want some money, at least pay day is only a few days away and the sliver lining of not having ANY money is I cant afford to get home so guess what I haven’t been home in ages! Can you blame me? But the month I get a full months pay rather than the 3 week like the last two months!

as for other things! The video stuff I'm doing for work is looking really really good but is taking more and more time, I only have weeks now to get it done but I have 40/50% of it done but now I have to work on the harder sections as I did the easy one’s first (do you blame me) and I keep getting good reports back from the people who have seen them! But trying to find high 5 clips or any projection related clips is proving to be a problem! And now with the lack of internet at home (due to a pure lack of money) I'm now having problems getting hold of the footage I need for the clips but I'm sure after a quick email to my many friends all with a massive dvd collection someone will be able to come up with the stuff I need. I do intent to accredit all the people who help with this project and how every hard it has now become I have started to use adobe pro like I have never used it and it good to use footage which is higher quality than my mobile phone. I cant wait to get a camera and the company who do plugin’s for adobe have released a plugin for the HD cameras I want as adobe would not import the file even though it was a mpeg4 file. HD!!!! Granted there will be few time I would use the full HD but still its good to have if needed. SOON!

I like how my blogs have started to come from different places, the last one was sat on a train on my way home and now I come live from some student cafĂ© in uni just off Oxford road surrounded by students, I wonder if they knew I was a full time worker if they would all turn on me? Lets keep that one quite but my battery is starting to run low and I have my eye on the plug socket in the corner of the room but its like a scene out of India Jones and I have to get past the 4 moody students and then on to the lady with the tray of coffee’s and past the mass of chairs before I can reach my goal of power!

week off

So one day at home and back to the far city of Manchester, for any plans I hear you say! Nope just cos I want to, that’s what I do. But I'm sure something will come up and it just has, a night out on Friday night as a friend has some time away from her studies and wants to go out, and I have got the chance to watch Pan’s labyrinth a little early which I need to cram in to my last remaining days of freedom from work. Something which I have had booker for some time now is taking the girl friend to meet some of my family, she has meet some of them very briefly but I would like it they could get to know her a little better so first port of call would be across to my dad’s which happens to be thins Sunday

Monday, November 20, 2006

trian ride home, bit late

Hi all hope you are all well,

So this week had my girlfriends birthday to plan and I remember a few months ago she mentioned she has never had a surprise party so when I found out she had friends coming over from her home town I managed to get in contact with them and make them cancel, after she told me of this which she want happy about I told her I would take her out for a really really nice meal to celebrate her turning 21! Now this was not going to be the case and her friends would be coming over just she didn’t know about it, now I never imagined how much lying and planning I would have to do to get some think like that organised but I'm proud to say I did. I managed to get her to eat on the night before our meal and cunningly got her to the bar we had booked after convincing her I had to nip to work due to some problems, To say she fell for it hook, lie, sinker, fishing fleet would be an underestimate. I could not have wished for the night to have gone any better, but I cant take all of the credit as with out the help of her friends I don’t think I could have done it all.

Now that would have been one night of drinking in a weekend of fun, curries, drinks and so much more and what a weekend, OK that may be a lie as in the last 2 weeks I have managed to stay at home twice maybe three times but you know what I'm loving it. What dose help this wonderful mood I'm in is I'm on my week off from work and enjoying all the time I have to do things and just enjoy life. In the past few days I have this enormous scene of well being and a happiness in where I am and what I'm doing so things must be good , to be honest I cant remember being this happy which brings me on to the house! Survey is back and there are a few little things that are getting checked out today, I expected something to come up on the survey and I'm glad there is nothing which could hold me up for weeks so I hope to hear back in the next few days and then its in the hands of the solicitors. One thing I have used to make me feel a little better about my money situation is a new term, I do have money but at the moment its tied up in property! Ha it makes me sound like some business tycoon with houses and flats all over the uk but it tends to make the people who want money off me give me a little more respect as its never the same person on the end of the phone!

So I come to you now sat on the train on my way home! And trust me when I say this the only way only one would get me laptop from me is out of my dead hands (as I look around the carriage!) and the only reason I'm going home is I didn’t bring any work cloths to Manchester with me when i came in on Friday, kind of which I had thought it through a little more! Dam but I could do with washing some cloths and spending some time with the cats (don’t worry I do get some one to feed them) but I think I should start to look at some where for the cats to live, I would love to take them with me but it would not be far as I believe cats should be free to come and go as and when they want and not locked up in some flat some where, as long as they get a good home with someone who will look after them I will be happy if upset (don’t forget they have been my pets for 4 and 5 years)

As for the rest of my day I went to look round the hotel we have hired for the up coming staff party as I want to make sure it goes with a bang after all the work I have put in the video stuff and I have got very good feed back from the work I have done up to now which is very welcome, I hope to get some more work done in the nest few days as time is ticking and its getting closer and closer to the date of the party and I still have a lot of work to do!

Well I have go as my station is only a few stops away and with all the baggage I have to carry I take me that long to get it all sorted and on my shoulder.