Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bus man's Holiday

Hi all, How's tricks? That’s good/not good to hear!

What i have been up to! Well after finishing work yesterday i managed to get to the cinema and watch the new remake of the wicker man, now i have heard a lot about the old one and how good and dark it is which sounded good but how ever sometimes annoying the remake epically when its got an American stamp can become very poor film i found my self liking the film. With Nicolas Cage staring i really enjoyed his slightly crazy character which even brought some humor.
Being in the projection industry you find you become annoyed when the small things about watching a poorly presented film crop ups, and here they are, Hair in the gate, poor seats, out of focus, base and emulation tram line scratch (only small) but instead of being annoyed i enjoyed the film, now may be i have learnt now to block these things out or that’s wasn’t the most important thing that night but the night it self was, It was fantastic to do what most people consider a date, and go to the cinema, get a drink, some chocolate and enjoy a film, and I did! I had an amazing night and can’t wait to make it a regular thing. Now don’t get me wrong there was one crap part of the night but its something im more than willing to put up with it for the time being and that would be the drive, I love my car but I don’t love the M57, M6, and what ever other M I drive down, I don’t thinks it’s the drive but the distance I have to travel and not even the time it takes from my day but the fact its something in the way but with the current turn of event this distance will slowly become shorter and shorter until I car wont even be needed. There was something unexpected to the evening and that was the gift, over the last few weeks I have managed to pick up a few things for her of the great and powerful ebay, just a few posters to bring some color to her new flat but this was returned, now I know what you may think I should have been expecting something like that to happen and maybe I did but this was drawn by her and suited me perfectly and its amazing. Let me get chance to get it in a frame and I will post I pic of it. It was really nice!

So today consisted of a lie in and about god dam time, ok the last lie in I should of lied in I showed the people who are buying my house around so that one is fine but its been along time, I managed 11am, WTF? Not even midday! I also moved a friend in to her new apartment, She is a student so don’t think of a flash pad with glass walls but still it nice and I got out of Salford with my car, keys, money and life so a good job!

So lets talk mood! And it a good one! I was told by someone close to me to just stop and remember I have sold my house! Ever now and then just to remember that there is no reason this won’t go through, and her confidence is starting to rub off! Not just the house but all things in life feel good even if some parts are challenging.
One thing i have started to think about would be my new flat! Come on people say it with me!

New Flat! now i have something’s i would like and that would be, A bed room big enough for a couch, some where to park and enough room to swing a cat if i even wanted to, but just the thought of what could be and chatting with my future flat mate about all the possibilities make me think and start to look around, now i have looked around but now its serous as this will be my new home, my brother has an estate agent friend so there is the chance of great things here!
And all this still with a cough and a bugger one at that! But my body is a temple (not quite sure to who yet) and i think it will be victors!

Night all x

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day trip to Liverpool

I got to travel to the beautiful city of Liverpool to have a look around and see some of the sights and what a day, it have some beautiful buildings and small bars and cinema's, all i could ever need i think, got some photo's of the Cathedral which don’t show the true scale of the place, its huge! i mean really big

As for the photo of the person
in the stain glass im sure its a he
but it could be a her who just
looks like a he, answers on a post card!

I had a wonderful day and even got to look round the FACT cinema, Projection tend to stick together so they were more than happy to show us around the projection booths, and what nice booth's they had! Government run! all the money in the world!
I did get to see you know who and about god dam time! It was really nice to get to spend some time together as for me it seams to be few and far between but hopefully i can change that this week depending on out side events, Something i have to keep reminding my self is this all on a time scale, it wont be to long down the line when i think back and it will be like a distant memory and i could never think of living any where else apart from Manchester.
The house is moving along, spent yesterday bugging the estate agent, trying to get things moving quicker as the chat with the bank didn’t go well, Natwest Sucks and HSBC Rocks! i cant believe how different both banks can be but makes me sure im going back to HSBC when i move, they love me unlike Natwest. But now i have accepted the offer its all just time and a bit of luck but the hard part is over! So So So Happy!

Pan's Labyrinth is a new film coming out and it looks amazing, you all should check out the trailer here It looks like it could be something wonderful but being in Spanish it would have to come with subtitles which in my books is a set back (yep its just laziness)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lets get the ball rolling!

Hi all, Lets start with some good news! I have had a serous offer on my house! Can you believe it! I cant! I cant describe how happy this makes me, and other viewing tomorrow! This could be the start of the end in a cretin way and im so so so happy!

Went out Sunday and had a fantastic day, yes day of drinking, lets see how it went

It was really good to meet up with some old friends and chat over old times, and find out how and where all our lives have take us, I seam to be the only one with out kids, which is not to say I have it better but kinda makes me think how difficult things could have been for me now.

So another night out tomorrow hopeful although I have hit a financial wall, so a chat to both banks is on the books as well as the estate agent, selling a house takes time and that’s something I seam to be running out of but that’s not going to stop me from having fun. And I have plans to see the girl friend as again its been a while and im really looking forward to seeing her as would any boy friend, I know over the last few blogs I may have come across as a little down in the dumps but I really feel things are on the up, I still have some way to go but god dam its in the right direction and im determent to make this sale work with every ounce of being. And my mood change is partially down to some one who has really helped me through this time in my life and not with money or help on my house but with my mind and the way to deal with things which im not going in to, please don’t think im so unhinged I’ll just kill every one at work but I think any one going through tough times in there life have ‘issues’ that crop up and most of the time it thing you would never even think could be a problem but saying that I have been told two things recently which stuck in my mind.

1, I didn't land on my feet, I landed on my feet running!

2, For me to feel the way I do I must have wanted this.

And when you friends who have know me for some time tell me they have never seen me so happy this makes me feel a live, even with the carp I cant remember being so truly happy, I mean happy to the core! Something I have started to do is ‘enjoy the moment’ We go through life planning the next minute, hour, day, week, month, year instead of just stopping and enjoying right now, a meal, a drink, company, and with out the joy from such simple things what’s the point of everything? Don’t get me wrong planning for the future is sensible but so is taking time out to enjoy right now.

So it to late and someone has to be up early so good night all

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Afternoon of drinking planned

Im going to catch up with some old friends today for a few drinks and soon pool! im looking forward to it as it been a long long time since we all came together.

As for the last few days they have been ok, got load done yesterday in my new role at work which was really good, think after my down i hit an up and feel great and positive, another true example of ups and downs? The day before i helped my mum wit here new laptop, spent 4o mins driving round looking for an unprotected wifi network to download her latest updates (if your that stupid not to protect you wifi network then you should expect some car parked out side you house using you internet) as her dialup was taking forever to download the dam things, i think dialup should be outlawed.

So got to go and get drunk,

love you!