Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lets get the ball rolling!

Hi all, Lets start with some good news! I have had a serous offer on my house! Can you believe it! I cant! I cant describe how happy this makes me, and other viewing tomorrow! This could be the start of the end in a cretin way and im so so so happy!

Went out Sunday and had a fantastic day, yes day of drinking, lets see how it went

It was really good to meet up with some old friends and chat over old times, and find out how and where all our lives have take us, I seam to be the only one with out kids, which is not to say I have it better but kinda makes me think how difficult things could have been for me now.

So another night out tomorrow hopeful although I have hit a financial wall, so a chat to both banks is on the books as well as the estate agent, selling a house takes time and that’s something I seam to be running out of but that’s not going to stop me from having fun. And I have plans to see the girl friend as again its been a while and im really looking forward to seeing her as would any boy friend, I know over the last few blogs I may have come across as a little down in the dumps but I really feel things are on the up, I still have some way to go but god dam its in the right direction and im determent to make this sale work with every ounce of being. And my mood change is partially down to some one who has really helped me through this time in my life and not with money or help on my house but with my mind and the way to deal with things which im not going in to, please don’t think im so unhinged I’ll just kill every one at work but I think any one going through tough times in there life have ‘issues’ that crop up and most of the time it thing you would never even think could be a problem but saying that I have been told two things recently which stuck in my mind.

1, I didn't land on my feet, I landed on my feet running!

2, For me to feel the way I do I must have wanted this.

And when you friends who have know me for some time tell me they have never seen me so happy this makes me feel a live, even with the carp I cant remember being so truly happy, I mean happy to the core! Something I have started to do is ‘enjoy the moment’ We go through life planning the next minute, hour, day, week, month, year instead of just stopping and enjoying right now, a meal, a drink, company, and with out the joy from such simple things what’s the point of everything? Don’t get me wrong planning for the future is sensible but so is taking time out to enjoy right now.

So it to late and someone has to be up early so good night all

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