Saturday, August 05, 2006

My day at work, well part of it.

So I wasn’t going to do a blog but after an interesting day at work thought I would share part of it.

After a power cut the cinema was evacuated and we didnt open for a few hours, well thats the story im sticking to.

*Can you please note we were waiting on the all clear before we could start our work, if there was work to do or could be done we would have been on it! In the above video people on a brake as we take them when we can. At no point was any of the equipment damages or even in danger of being damaged and we maintained full control of the health and safety of all people involved, the over all footage taken only amounts to a minute and only editing has made the clip bigger, peoples faces have been change to protect the innocent and if you have a question, comment or would like this video removed please contact me.

Good night out playing pool and there should be a video online soon, we will see how it turns out. The weekend involves a 25th birthday party and maybe a trip to see the girl im seeing

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