Well need sleep!
So im sat in a travel lodge in Milton Kenyans at 10:30 at night and decided I would get a little more up to date with my blog, the day has been a long one sorting through what I can only describe as a absolute mess, no planning, no love and no work done in this booth, So sorting through this made a chalangeing day. My day started on Sunday morning when I forgot to leave my door unlocked (not unlocked just not dead bolts) so after getting in bed at 3am I had to get up at 9am to let my mum in as she was down doing some work on my house so this meant I didn’t get the amount of sleep I was expecting, after working on my house for a few house I was invited over to Manchester to see the girl im seeing and her new flat. Now my plan was to get to J’s for 10pm at the latest as we had to set off to Milton Keynes at 4am so this would give me ‘some’ sleep but after I would say was another fantastic night (told you it would be!) I didn’t end up going to J’s and all down to fate, well I flipped a coin and luck was on my side so I ended up staying where I was but, Ha, But I didn’t end up getting any sleep! OK slow down people! After chatting for some hours it got to the point in the night where it was no longer an option to go to sleep! So after chatting to the small hours of the night and tucking the girl in bed I made my way with J on our 150 ish mile trip. Now I can understand you may think this was not a good idea and if I put my sane head on I would agree but I tend to leave decision to the moment and however sleepy or grumpy I have felt to day I would not have changed a thing on that night! So back to the travel lodge and the next day doing the same thing is going to be hard work and then a 2/3hour trip home should prove to be a challenging day! But a good one I hope!
Now if you have read my bolgs you will know that I have 2 days off after this and I may put one or two plans in action but we will see!
Ben x
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