Saturday, June 03, 2006


So .... I don't 'usualy' drink spirits but there tend to be exception's to every rule and last night was a prime example. I was out with a few friends and then we head back to a flat for a few more drinks but all that was available to drink was Vodka! WooHoo. And you know what it was good!

Working in cinemas for the last 10 years and having a hidden interest in architecture and old buildings it nice to see old cinemas, I used to work at one of very few listed cinema building in the UK.

The cinema was built as a corn exchange and was converted to a cinema years ago and after many referbs this was what it look like before it closed.

Old photo of Blackburn corn

One of the pubs I visited last night was
the 'Moon under Water' in Manchester
which (guess what) used to be a cinema,
its nice walking into a building and being
able to see where the Booth was and screen
used to be. I do think we don't build cinemas
as grand as they used to be, Its all about cost
cutting, cheap.

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