So I decided to make a few upgrades to my pc, a new graphics card for one and a new case, so having taken everything out and put the gubins back in a new case and putting a new graphics card in a boot up for it all to work fine which is a nice change from the usual first boot I normally end up with. Now windows boots fine but getting the driver loaded is another matter, I think due to some old drivers the new drivers would not install causing me a mountain of problems which all lead to one solution a clean reinstall, trust me If I think it was possible to just get the old install working I would have but it was not going to happen this time round. I did end up getting a nice case with a nice quite cooling system to keep the noise down, when it final got here there was a small piece broken off but it took that long to finally get here think I will just stick it back on instead of sending it back. So now with the 4600 due core and x91950 pro and 2GB of matched ram with a big power supply it should swim along quite happily and I hope so trying to get the graphics out of my 22” TFT and the broadband got installed to I come to you from my flat, with internet and everything!
The only thing left to do apart from putting all the software and updates back on the thing is to get it activated again seeing as this would be the 3rd time with hardware changes windows through a little wobbly about it but that’s just a phone call and sorted.
So I spent some time hunting for someone who didn’t cap the internet connection coming in to my flat and trust me there is no one out there so I ended up going for someone who didn’t cap it as much and went with Eclipse, now there are a little unknown and I was unsure until today when they just won the best customer broadband supplier
">which you can check out here
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