How much!
So trying to get through the next couple of months (only a couple please god) could be better if I didn’t get a final demand for £35000 (yes that’s British pounds) for my bank, due to the lack of payments there not to happy so another thing to add to my list of things to do. after a pleasant conversation i was about to get a stay of execution and with my ISA cashed in should keep me treading water for the time being but why im I dong all the work. Two people own this house but again and again it seams to be only me wanting to get on with our life’s, I hope this will change.
One thing that has helped me with all the work is my Mum, What a slave driver! Every spar minute she has she is round at my house helping with the work needed to make a quick sale as i could put it on the market now and spend the next year trying to sell or I could make it a more better looking sale buy making my house look good, I though this would be simple to understand for anyone selling a house but not sure if the 'other side' of this brake up understands this or if they do cant be bothered to help a member of there own family.
So things done in the last 2 days :
- All the paint work in bathroom and kitchen cleaned and painted twice, although it could do with a few tough ups.
- The ceiling in bathroom and kitchen painted once but needs another coat.
- The second major clean out leaving a pile of stuff to go to the tip, hoping i can get the X to do that as she got a estate car, you can much more in that thing than my sleek corsa (yes sleek).
- Sanded all the grouting in the bathroom to be re grouted.
- Kitchen floor scrubbed, took bloody ages but looks good.
Its not the biggest list but still a good few days work, Don’t forget I have to get on with everyday life and fit this carp in around it all.
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