Sunday, June 11, 2006

What a week

Well to start this week was a staff party, and well what a party. I tend to Jude nights out on how much money I spend and if I have a good time, it’s not much to ask but it works for me. And as for the staff party I had a fantastic time and didn’t spend much. It also nice to see people you work with out and about, especially people who you may not go out with as much as you would like. I did end up with a 2 day hang over! One of the draw backs of getting older (not to old). And to top the night off I stayed at a good friends so I didn't have to sleep on the street. I have one more comment about the party and that’s GIRLS, the work uniforms don’t do any of you any justice and to be honest it doesn’t do any of the blokes and favors.

I don’t know about you but I don’t like to put people out, but recently I have leant that that’s what friends do and you know what it’s a good feeling when someone is prepared to help you out when you need it.

So after a 2 day hangover and a busy week the opportunity to go out again on Friday night for a friends birthday could not be turned down, so out and about again and another a fantastic night. Catch up with old friends and talk more to new friends and get drunk was the plan and it worked, just to be out and about was a good feeling. And back to the 'putting people out' and back to my friends house to get some sleep (if 2 hrs can be some) and I hope you are starting to see how much this helps me when I live some distance from Manchester. Back in to work for another hung over day but it was all worth it again, So when I tell you I then went out for ANOTHER drink after work im starting to see a pattern! Dose this mean I have to sit in a room with a bunch of strangers discussing how booze is bad for me? Hummm don’t think im quite there yet! But how could I turn down a drink after such a good run of night out and possibly other reasons :-) so out I was again but you will be glad to hear just the 1 and then back home, did make me feel less hung over for the train home which was unexpected though welcome.

Now to set the house work to max over the next few days, it difficult having to trust someone who you on longer feel like you can trust but with this gives motivation which is welcome. Nothing will happen over night and im ready for the down times as i have such good time over the last week but you never know this may be slowly becoming part of my past and not my future. Don’t forget there is always a silver lining in most shits situations its just being able to see it. I now starting to see change in my house which help when putting so much work in.

Will i have been up for 22 hrs and now im starting to feel it so i will leave with this message.

To all my friends and family, you know who you all are. Thankyou! I cant thank you enough for the support and love I have got through this time of my life, you give me the strength to get on with things and make the changes in my life that I want to make. I wish I could describe the way this makes me feel.

So on that rather soppy note, Good Night.

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