So with the afternoon off and the morning spent cleaning my house I decided to take a trip out, not any trip out but a trip back to Liverpool, Know i know what most people think when you say the word 'Liverpool' and i must admit i would have been one of those people, you think of burn out cars sat on bricks, people trying to mug you every corner but how wrong could you be.
I ended up spending a fantastic day sat on the banks of the Leeds to Liverpool Cannel (strangely enough the same cannel that passes my house in
But all this adventure had to come to an end and back in to work and thank God for GPS, i need to know where in going and that’s it, GPS dose all the work, no more getting lost not even knowing which way north is, its fantastic. so hour or so later and in work till 12pm (back at 9am or so) and i hope to the gods of 'fun' i get to go out tomorrow night
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