Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing day peps

Well ho ho ho-my-god I'm kind of glad that’s over for another year, its was good and I did eventually get festive but with the worry of my forever dying car and the fact I couldn’t get everyone presents I would have like to due to the ever impending financial events of my life but after spending some time with most of my family it was a track over to Liverpool for me to spend the remainder of xmas day. And my car got me all the way! Thank you car!
Did santa give me what I wanted, well there were no keys to a apartment in Manchester with a car that works but think that’s one I will have to do on my own but I did get some wonderful presents and money which was a very welcome gift, I could only have the money if I spent it on myself and not on bills which again was nice so now I get to decided what would make my life easier or how to make myself look peaty’er. I have some ideas but we will see.
I think one of the reason xmas is not so big this year is work, working the close xmas eve and back in all day for boxing day dosnt add to the holiday period but it pays the bills don’t forget and I do get new year off which may make up for the work through xmas, I can imagine everyone would have like to have taken xmas off but this can’t happen in my industry!

I have been watching quite a few film over the last week like, renaissance, bond, pans labyrinth, perfume, happy feet, the wizard of ozz, London to Brighton and maybe a few more but just haven’t had tome to give them the monkey rating! I would give them all high scores anyway, maybe my film picking skills have now finally been sharpened or maybe I have an extra person picking some of them, thinks it’s a bit of both!
Well got to go as someone has to run the films when you come to watch them on boxing day, its boxing day people why would you want to go to the cinema, go to a park or the pub (something for all age groups)

Sunday, December 24, 2006


So its Christmas eve and I'm sat at work with 6 more hours to go before I attempt to get to my dads for the evening, I say attempt as my car is and will never be very well so I'm going to try and get the 40 or so miles over there and back to Liverpool tomorrow. Got all the possible Christmas shopping I could have done on the budget I have got which is not very big at all and I'm all set for the big day.
I did have the wonderful idea for as long as I could remember that I would not have my house by now! Come on Christmas I thought all of this would have been done and dusted, but its not to be well not yet anyway, I actually went home for a change yesterday, now this wasn’t really by chose as I'm more than happy in Manchester but I thought I should pop back, get some washing done, check to see if all is well at my house and it was with nothing exciting to report back at all!
So not to long then in the car for a while and then who knows, all I know is for Christmas eve I'm not feeling very Christmassy, I hope it will come to me.

Merry Christmas

Friday, December 15, 2006

Cast party all over

Hi all,
So you may have noticed the lack of blogs over the last few weeks. this is all down to the amount of time i was spending working on the latest project to keep me busy, the staff party at work. As i work in a cinema i thought it would have been a good idea to have a MTV style awards ceremony instead of the quick one we usually have, now this took way more time than i have fist thought as i spent every spare minute i had editing video's of the even, i didn’t help having 19 categories. But after all the hard work with the video's, getting the clips, all the hardware set up i was really really happy with how the even went and from the feed back i get everyone else really enjoyed it to. I have started to put all the work i have done online but there were a few people there recording the event so a dvd can be put together of the entire evening.

So still no house sale! and i guess you must wonder what this could be now, maybe god has a problem or they need to check every brick or the grass is the wrong green well you would be wrong, after all this work it seams my solicitors are ready to go but the buyers solicitors are still waiting on some searches which they should have put in for along time ago, so it will be at lease after Christmas now and my mind says after new year. So this blows my plans for Christmas presents for everyone as now i will be back to haveing no money, and when i say no money i really mean no money, if my back had the choose i wouldn’t be eating. But hay life gose on.

Manager Award
Best High Five Action Sequence
Mrs I’ll Take Your Shift
Mr I’ll Take Your Shift
Projection Award
Best Comedic Act
Best Cashier
Clueless Award
Drunken Master Award
Best Couple
TL Award
Look A Like
The Hoff Award
Best Female
Best Male
The Heroes Award
Sammy J Award
Sexy Female
Sexy Male
Amelie Award
Credits and Winners

Monday, December 04, 2006

Well lets catch up on the last few weeks, I managed to get drunk beyond belief the other night, went to watch a friend on his first stand up gig and he was very good by the way but after drinking a bit to much. So we got on the bus to get back but I only managed two stops before getting off due to ‘sickness’ (think we all know what I'm talking about!). so after starting to feel better I decided to get back on a bus the next stop down and managed all of 2 mins before having to get off again! So instead of a 4 mins bus ride it turned in to a 35min walk, what a plonker! I felt like a bit of an idiot but I didn’t feel to bad as the week before I had to do the same thing but this time I was the one who didn’t have enough, and that night it rained like you have never seen before, I didn’t mind as I was sure then that one day the roles would be changed and they soon where.

So I'm still in Blackburn but so so lose to moving and it would be a welcome change, to be honest I do spend quilt a lot of time in Manchester and I'm loving it, it could be nice not to have to travel 50 mile round trip to get some clean cloths and to have my stuff closer but I'm sure that will all change, I even think I'm in to single numbers in the times I have to go home.

I been spending loads and loads of time working on the clips for the upcoming cast party, as soon as there done they will be put online for everyone to see, I even hope I will get time to put the winners on the clips as at the moment it runs up to ‘the winner is’ and that’s when it get announced. They look good and I expect the night to be one to remember.

Got to go, being home means my time is full of cleaning and getting stuff for the week ect……….bye

Saturday, November 25, 2006


So the end of the working month could only mean one thing and that would be pay day and non to soon as the day before I had a full 70p to my name, now when I say 70p I mean absolutely nothing more, I managed to get some food for the day but that was it. I did intend to go home that night for a change but with the train costing £9 there was no chance of that. Due to the lack of home visits I ended up washing some essential items in a sink at work just so I could have clan cloths for the few remaining days it Manchester. I do intend to go home tomorrow as I'm starting to forget where the place is. With the pay day now here I got chance to pay the internet bill which had leaded to the internet to my house being cut off! How could they do that, I think it should be part of human rights. So home with some tv shows to download and watch and probably back to Manchester for another few days!

student life

Well what can I say, still got nothing through from the house people and still waiting on the second survey back just to make sure everything is ok and there are no big problems, got some more paper work to send back to the solicitors and they are requesting the deeds for the house which I'm not exactly sure what that means but it sounds like it’s a big ish thing so things are still moving but I just want some money, at least pay day is only a few days away and the sliver lining of not having ANY money is I cant afford to get home so guess what I haven’t been home in ages! Can you blame me? But the month I get a full months pay rather than the 3 week like the last two months!

as for other things! The video stuff I'm doing for work is looking really really good but is taking more and more time, I only have weeks now to get it done but I have 40/50% of it done but now I have to work on the harder sections as I did the easy one’s first (do you blame me) and I keep getting good reports back from the people who have seen them! But trying to find high 5 clips or any projection related clips is proving to be a problem! And now with the lack of internet at home (due to a pure lack of money) I'm now having problems getting hold of the footage I need for the clips but I'm sure after a quick email to my many friends all with a massive dvd collection someone will be able to come up with the stuff I need. I do intent to accredit all the people who help with this project and how every hard it has now become I have started to use adobe pro like I have never used it and it good to use footage which is higher quality than my mobile phone. I cant wait to get a camera and the company who do plugin’s for adobe have released a plugin for the HD cameras I want as adobe would not import the file even though it was a mpeg4 file. HD!!!! Granted there will be few time I would use the full HD but still its good to have if needed. SOON!

I like how my blogs have started to come from different places, the last one was sat on a train on my way home and now I come live from some student cafĂ© in uni just off Oxford road surrounded by students, I wonder if they knew I was a full time worker if they would all turn on me? Lets keep that one quite but my battery is starting to run low and I have my eye on the plug socket in the corner of the room but its like a scene out of India Jones and I have to get past the 4 moody students and then on to the lady with the tray of coffee’s and past the mass of chairs before I can reach my goal of power!

week off

So one day at home and back to the far city of Manchester, for any plans I hear you say! Nope just cos I want to, that’s what I do. But I'm sure something will come up and it just has, a night out on Friday night as a friend has some time away from her studies and wants to go out, and I have got the chance to watch Pan’s labyrinth a little early which I need to cram in to my last remaining days of freedom from work. Something which I have had booker for some time now is taking the girl friend to meet some of my family, she has meet some of them very briefly but I would like it they could get to know her a little better so first port of call would be across to my dad’s which happens to be thins Sunday

Monday, November 20, 2006

trian ride home, bit late

Hi all hope you are all well,

So this week had my girlfriends birthday to plan and I remember a few months ago she mentioned she has never had a surprise party so when I found out she had friends coming over from her home town I managed to get in contact with them and make them cancel, after she told me of this which she want happy about I told her I would take her out for a really really nice meal to celebrate her turning 21! Now this was not going to be the case and her friends would be coming over just she didn’t know about it, now I never imagined how much lying and planning I would have to do to get some think like that organised but I'm proud to say I did. I managed to get her to eat on the night before our meal and cunningly got her to the bar we had booked after convincing her I had to nip to work due to some problems, To say she fell for it hook, lie, sinker, fishing fleet would be an underestimate. I could not have wished for the night to have gone any better, but I cant take all of the credit as with out the help of her friends I don’t think I could have done it all.

Now that would have been one night of drinking in a weekend of fun, curries, drinks and so much more and what a weekend, OK that may be a lie as in the last 2 weeks I have managed to stay at home twice maybe three times but you know what I'm loving it. What dose help this wonderful mood I'm in is I'm on my week off from work and enjoying all the time I have to do things and just enjoy life. In the past few days I have this enormous scene of well being and a happiness in where I am and what I'm doing so things must be good , to be honest I cant remember being this happy which brings me on to the house! Survey is back and there are a few little things that are getting checked out today, I expected something to come up on the survey and I'm glad there is nothing which could hold me up for weeks so I hope to hear back in the next few days and then its in the hands of the solicitors. One thing I have used to make me feel a little better about my money situation is a new term, I do have money but at the moment its tied up in property! Ha it makes me sound like some business tycoon with houses and flats all over the uk but it tends to make the people who want money off me give me a little more respect as its never the same person on the end of the phone!

So I come to you now sat on the train on my way home! And trust me when I say this the only way only one would get me laptop from me is out of my dead hands (as I look around the carriage!) and the only reason I'm going home is I didn’t bring any work cloths to Manchester with me when i came in on Friday, kind of which I had thought it through a little more! Dam but I could do with washing some cloths and spending some time with the cats (don’t worry I do get some one to feed them) but I think I should start to look at some where for the cats to live, I would love to take them with me but it would not be far as I believe cats should be free to come and go as and when they want and not locked up in some flat some where, as long as they get a good home with someone who will look after them I will be happy if upset (don’t forget they have been my pets for 4 and 5 years)

As for the rest of my day I went to look round the hotel we have hired for the up coming staff party as I want to make sure it goes with a bang after all the work I have put in the video stuff and I have got very good feed back from the work I have done up to now which is very welcome, I hope to get some more work done in the nest few days as time is ticking and its getting closer and closer to the date of the party and I still have a lot of work to do!

Well I have go as my station is only a few stops away and with all the baggage I have to carry I take me that long to get it all sorted and on my shoulder.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

late post

So I think I must becoming to the end of all the transition period of my life before I move on to bigger, brighter, excitinger, funnier times and experiences. I say I must becoming to the end as things seam to be getting more and more of a challenge, trying to stop all the people who want something off me at bay is becoming more and more of a tight rope and I think I'm starting to see physical changes all down to the stress of dealing with all this stuff. All is going well when it comes to the selling of the one and only house in my life but TIME is the main pain in my ass. B8ut saying all that there are still many time in my week when I'm truly happy, granted the car problems have made getting around more difficult and the added money aspect of fixing the old banger is not what I need right now but still the happy times come through time and time again! My be I should be a life coach with all the good vibes! Think I’ll stick to what I know for the time being.

I'm still keeping pretty busy and not letting the lack of money dampen my mood, although most of my good time, well all of my good time tends to be in Manchester. Got a night out Thursday related to work which I'm looking forward to but spending any money is something that stands out in my mind so I will try to spend very little! May be shots!

Lets think positive and look forward to what is coming, living in Manchester and having clean clothes instead of carrying 3/4 days of clothes around with me. Not having to live alone even if that means making some adjustments, being closer to work and not spending nearly 2 hours in rush hour just to get in, being able to go out for a drink after work instead of saying ‘I cant drink I have to drive’, being close to you know who! Which will be a very good thing! VERY GOOD PEOPLE.

So now I have the plan everything else must just fall in to place!?! Well I hope so, people tell me things will be ok but I think when your in the thick of things and it’s you future in balance and such a tight balance you cant just switch off and forget about your problems, I wish I could and when this is all over one way or another trust me I will be the on who switched off at every bad bit of news but the next few weeks could quite easy decided the financial out come for me which could impact in a good way for months to come or in a bad way for possibly years to come, I wish that was an exaggeration but if things go really pete tong I could be paying for it for a very long time. But with out people telling me thing will be ok I don’t think I would even be in the mood I'm in right now! So how ever crap I feel sometimes with out there support I don’t think I would even be here now, having the happy times in my life so a big thanks peps.

Well I think that would be my hart and my feelings on a plate so enjoy,

Keep smiling


Sunday, October 29, 2006

So what up peps?

I started to listen to a bloke called Scott Matthews, you can check out his myspace here and after hearing exclusive I was hooked, The girl friend managed to get tickets to his Manchester gig last week and it was awesome! Really good and I can get the cd out of my head and for good reason its amazing! Go and buy it people.

So after my car had been running so well after having in at the garage you can imagine my surprise when I stated with the same trouble again, at the same time I was trying to get the paperwork back to the solicitors after they lost the last lot! Had to get picked up by the AA today just to get home and the nice bloke who checked my car out didn’t look to convinced it would only need ‘a little work’. CRAP so I have to get my back to the garage for the verdict.

Something that has been keeping my bust is some video work, there is a work chrimbo do coming up and I had the idea of doing some montage for each category, there is A LOT of work to do but the stuff I have done looks good in my book and I'm really liking the job, we shall see if it all comes together.

Right I'm off, got some more editing to do and I want to get to bed early ish as I'm back in Manchester tomorrow, something that makes me feel so much better!

Love you x

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

i miss you! you miss me?

Sorry I have been ignoring you but ive been busy, went to a gig on Sunday and I haven’t stopped working on some more video projects for work, but I promise I will stop and check in soon.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

All day at work and no where to go!

Howdy People, How's tricks? Good/Bad to hear!

So after the bank tried to dampen my mood and they got a good start i had a change of hart and the sunshine broke through the black clouds to make me me again! There was one thing which made this so and its down to Msn and the people i chat to, thanks people for putting me back in a good mood! Still the bank tried to take my happiness from me and so do the water, gas and electric people but they have to catch me first! Things aren’t that bad but with the change from weekly to monthly pay it really messed up my accounts and money flow, i don’t think im the only one at work with the same problem, Thanks Work!
Still not much movement on the house so i have tried to stop hoping for a cretin time, say at the end of November because these date's i keep setting up in my mind as 'my' goals just come and go and every time that happens i feel crap and im sick and fed up of that feeling, now this doesn’t mean it makes me depressed as my life on a happiness scale is at the very top end, any happier and i feel my hart wont be able to take it!

As for the last few days they have been good, managed to get to the cinema and out for a few drinks! I had a little time free on Thursday and managed to get to look around the corner house in Manchester, now this is a old art house cinema and the booth was exactly how i expected it, very nice and cosy and it was good to see some change over and some older projectors, i managed to get down to the AMC on the same night and had a look round there, they have loads of room and a nice layout but didnt look very busy for the time of day. I think projectionist are like anyone in the same industry/field they all stick together so 99% of the time they are more than happy to show people around.

One last bit of news im going to see Scott Matthews on sunday in manchester, my girl friend got me the tickets and i got his cd a few weeks ago and what a cd, i really like it so im looking forward to it.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

ups and down but more downs today

Howdy all!

Got my car back and just in time for my trip to trafford! about time and only £80! which was good news! The only bit!
Solicitors managed to loses all my paper work, water board really really want some money of me, my bank wants to close my account and keep tiring to take all the fuck up's that my Ex made out of my account! If you do want to fuck me over i think there is a queue so get in line.

But life is not all bad! I did get to spend some time in Manchester, and plans permitting i will be back soon, AND I got to watch the Dr who spin off Tourchwood tonight a few days before it comes out and on a cinema screen in HD and my god did it look good, really really good. The show overall good but i think it could and probably should grow in to a very strong show

But after all the crap im still happy as the photo above shows (Handsome devil!) why? New place to live soon? The girl Friend? Fun? Games? life? im sure its got something to do with each and everyone, i truly cant wait to find even more happiness but im starting to lose fath 'its round the corner' as i cant seam to get there.

But im sure one day i can sit back and read this blog and all will be well, i hope.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

bargin hunter extordenare

So i tend to have enough clothes for 3 days or so as there have been many time i have intended to go home but havent due to a night out or the lack of will but i have started to incress this time i spend away from home, it not planned but just happens but i have started to run out of clean cloths on more that one occasion so the soloution for this, well i can find a bargin shirt or tshirt preaty much any where! i dont want to be spending loads of money every time i hit such a problem but £3/4 on a shirt is well im my budget! now please dont think i will lower my dress standards thats asuming i had some to begin with but you can find loads of bargins it just knowing where to look for them, i wright this today as its one of thouse days, i had enough cloths to last me up to today but now with in invite out for to night there is no way im going to turn what could easly be a fantastic night down just because i have got clean cloths, SO Bargin hunting time!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

42nd Street and about time

So my last day off of my 6 days holiday and what could i do? Well after spending all day getting ready and drinking coffee i made my way back to Manchester for a night out, where did i end up on this night out well 42nd Street and about god dam time, i have many friends who rave about this place so it was good to finally see what its all about! And i had a fantastic night out, and only £1 a bottle helped my mood when it comes to spending money!

But back to work today and really not feeling to good and its not down to the beer, got the flu AGAIN and this times its all about feeling crap and with the thought of coming back to work after only finishing 8 hours earlyi dont think im going to feel to good tomorrow!

So on my travels through Manchester i like to take photo's of things for what ever reason but here are a few
This is the old Odeon cinema in Manchester

This is the Central Libraryjust across from the Odeon

From last weeks paper, cant remember which one just liked it

MY surveyshould have been done today, why it took them 6 weeks last time and only 6 days this time in beyond me but im happy about it, spoke to my garage friend and hes not to sure what could be causing problems with my car. 1 min it ok next its not! Sound expensive to me!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

a great weekend

i spent the last weekend in Manchester, with some time off from work what better way to spend it! Didn't really get up to much just some well need TLC but had a wonderful time non the less.
Not much to report on the car as i have got any! its in the shop and my friend is looking at it, didn't help as it started with out problem and ran fine, this is good i hear you cry! not if it breaks down one cold stormy night miles from any network coverage! But hopefully i will hear some news tomorrow before i head back to Manchester for a night of drinking, i hope my illness holds off but up to now its just an annoying cough!
Started working on a myspace account, im not much of a fan but i needed to know how to do it and edit the dam thing for a friend, it like cocaine, once you start you cant stop, tweak here tweak there!
Well in off searching youtube for the next gem, have a good night allx

Saturday, October 07, 2006

back on the ball

so after yesterdays news i didn't hold much hope to get back on the selling a house ladder well not in the near future, had what i thought would be one of many viewing booked for today so back to cleaning the house and all that for the next god know how long but with a fantastic twist of fate the bloke offered £70,000! its no £73,000 but at this stage of the game it was something i was willing to go for and have! It sounds promising and there is no chain to think about so good news!
Now its back to the start and week after week of waiting but i intend to get things speeded up, things like susurveys can be done now, why wait for a stupid acceptence letters 3 weeks down the line before booking things like this is, is not the 1st property the bloke has bought through my estate agent and he's mean to be quick which is right up my street, so back to fighting off the people who want money of me for some reason or another until can get sold!
Back to square 1 but this time with a broken car! my sis said i could borrow some money off her but i dont like it, i think i will have to unless my car is completely but Monday will tell!
Wish me luckXr>

Friday, October 06, 2006

not the news i wanted!

So after the car problems i have just had and now the added hassle and money aspect i have had some more bad news, i be honest i think doing well with it as it big ish! My house sale has fallen through! the people still want the house but there is something going on with the bloke and his job! the offer for £65,000 is still there and there are people looking round tomorrow but now there have been 5 wasted weeks! something that pissed me off was i was the one ringing round the ssurveyorsto find out it had been ccanceled7 days ago! WTF was my estate agent doing? Why ddidn'tthe people buying by house call them? Thinking of going postal on my estate agent as lets not forget he will be getting payed for this!

Now this dose cause some big ffinancialproblems and i think im going to have to start getting pissed of as now the Ex dosnt pay anything to the house, Zip, Big Fat 0. now i know she has her own debts but so do i and we are back to the key fact, no house = no money!

So after the car issue i decided to spend some time in manchester and thats where i come from right now and to be hhonestim still happy and having fun wwhiledealing with this shit storm, mad i think so but im just going with what makes me happy!

Love you


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Theft of car number plates update!

My plates were used in a drive off, Not a drive by thank god s I don’t think the police would have rung me but come round with gun’s!

So I'm thinking next time I have no money and need some petrol hey presto! Drive off! Knowing my luck they would have caught the bloke and got my plate when I come to do it so scratch that idea.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

long time no see party people!

Hi all,

Ok lets start, I come to you tonight righting this blog in Manchester, yes I know again but what can I say about this beautiful city! Got to go out again last night and ended up in Fab CafĂ© which for those of you who haven’t gone it great, ok great for me who loves film and stuff along them lines but I think most people would like it if you give it a go, many drinks later and even saw that but ugly fella of coronation street, Kirk of something like that and back to the flat. Now I think I did well as the previous night I didn’t get to sleep due to some intense msn action till 2am and then back up at 6:30 for work, I know that’s not what I should have done but hey I'm a big boy now and I would like to think I would know what’s best for me so anyway 2am – 6:30 – Work at 8 and up the largest Imax screen in the country with every set of tools and safety equipment to change a HF unit, Now this screen is huge and takes sometime just to climb and with all the extra stuff you need to take it become a slow and painful job so you can imagine my joy to find I had not taken the right tools up with me (again! Not the first time, you would have thought I would have learnt) I wasn’t a happy bunny, so back up on Monday with the right tools to change the smallest part up there.

So tonight I have a trip to the lovely city of Liverpool for a night out, get to meet some new faces and hopefully make some new friends. It has seamed to have turned out to be a big weekend as these friends are the friends of my girlfriend and coupled with the planned events of Sunday it seams I'm going to get all the nervous stuff out of the way in the space of a weekend, Now I say nervous but I dint really feel that way, anyone would want to make a good impression but the way I think is if they don’t like me that’s ok to, everyone is well entitled to there own very unique point of view.

As for the house it seams like someone is working to slow the entire process down, why of for what propose is unclear but things seam to take forever to get done, I know I'm going to impatient about this matter but I'm sure of it, got a voice mail from the people doing the survey last Friday, spent all day trying to get back to them with no joy but that would have involved them answering the phone! Spoke to estate agent Tuesday and they said the would let them have access to my house to get it done, rand the survey people again Wednesday just to check and they said the survey had been up on hold due to the mortgage company, so back to the estate agent and they called me back saying everything is ok and it should be done soon! It should have been done at the beginning of the dam week but with people pissing around it cost me another week! So still no survey and I'm still sat around waiting for the dam thing to be done with bills and bills piling up around me and with the lack of pay from work for the next 3 weeks its going too become an interesting time.

Something which I have been considering as a treat for me was a digital camera, a video not a photo one, it starting to become a hobby and I seam to have more and more ideas which I want to put in to play, I'm looking a solid state cameras as they are a lot smaller the min-dv or the other ranges, solid state records to memory cards which has it draw backs but the size of the thing is a main point in my book for the different use’s I will need it for. So £200 ish would get me a ok one but I don’t want to end up buying another one a few more weeks down the line as my demand for quality grows so I have been looking around and have spotted a few so stay tuned in to see if I spend money I don’t have!

So not managed to upload my blog so another entry, Had a fantastic night out sat, spent most of the night dancing and drinking and having SO much fun, what a awesome night out, really really good with no exception. There was fantastic music all night which kept me dancing all night, meet a load of wonderful new people and had fun getting to know them and back on a night buss with the chance to meet some more nice if strange people.

Sunday starts only after 5 hours sleep with a trip to see the girl friends family, now I bring this up as in any body’s book it’s a big ish deal, I think things went well and had a good time meeting some really nice people, got on well with her younger nice and nephew which I think went down well, always trying to score brownie points!

So the weekend was full of fun, lacking in sleep but all well worth it!

Friday, September 29, 2006

has it got to that stage already?

So the weekend approaches and guess what! Im off, yes that’s right folks got sat and sun of in the same week so what do i plan to do with the two days off together? Well i have an invitation to meet the girlfriends family! Gulp! But you know what im kinda looking forward to it, it would only be right for me to give them the chance to check me out, 20 questions and all that but as with most things in life i would like the challenge.
Now this isn’t the only thing i would like to get done this weekend, my car is still eating alternator belts on a weekly basis, i have another set of boxes ready to go round to my mums (i reckon she thinks im slowly moving in) but it would make moving easier for me when the time comes which leads me nicely on to the house and nothing new to report, tick tock but nothing! not that im there that much anyway but the bills still need paying! Soon People Soon!

Lost was 1st brought to my attention before it hit the uk screen's, i will be honest the brief explanation from my reliable source i wasn’t really taken with the idea of some people sat on a island somewhere but after watching all 24 episodes in as many hours i have been a keen follower ever since. The 'extra' stuff associated with the show from web pages and voice mail really adds something else to the whole experience, the new season starts on the 4th October .

Studio 60 is a new show recommended by Cinemec-tv (the one stop shop for all tv info) and i managed to watch the first 2 episodes last night and i liked it, not the normal show i would tend to watch but good non the less

Battlestar Galactica Well what can i say, the cilons are back and now some of them look cute! im sure there are web site's out there for having sex with machines but anyway this new take on the old tv show looks and feels fantastic, i really like the way the space shots are taken and im looking forward to the new season which starts on the 6th October..

My name is Earl Is now back on our screen! Well if you live in the states or happen to know how to use Bit torrent (i don’t condone the use of illegal bit torrents or break of copy right) and if last season is anything to go off this one should be good, watching the show an slowly make you believe in the concept of karma or maybe that’s my impressionable mind.

Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. Stargate SG1 is now on season 10 which will bring it to the last of its run and Atlantis is a baby in comparison and running season 3 but has the go a head for the next season, i know some people find these show kinda a tacky but ive been a follower for some time now and enjoy them all.!

enjoy X

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The legend thats the cast party!

So after working to the uci/filmworks/odeon/printworks or what ever you want to call it there have been many cast parties, some good some bad some amazing but without failure there has always been someone there with a camera. Now i love digital cameras to the disgustof some of my work friends but with digital you can snap away with out the constant though of you only have some many photo's to take, with digital you take them then you decided if you want to keep them later.

I wanted to make these photo's available to everyone not just the people who took them so with a little work I managed to put them online for everyone to see, so we have the new one's for every new cast party then when another new party comes along the last lot get put in a big folder with every other photo ever taken.

I would like to have a look at the latest cast party photo's

I would like to have a look at the old cast photo's

All I now need is a easier way to remove red eye from all of them in one go as doing each one a time seams to take forever!

the latest update!

Hallo there strangers!

So what’s being going on? Well After staying n Manchester for the last few days drinking and having fun and lets not forget the ease of getting a full English breakfast at any time of day I had a night of drinking at the frog and bucket planned for Monday night but I got a phone call from work Monday afternoon from work meaning I need it be in work for 6am Tuesday morning for the bulb change in the Imax due to the left eye planning up again, you can tell this wouldn’t be the first time this eye has played up. Now when I say changing bulbs I don’t mean I simple screw cap but 15,000W X2 Imax bulbs at £3200 each and normally we would allow about 6 hours to change both bulbs so to have it done in just over 2 hours was good work but thanks to
some wonderful team work only had to work till 5 instead of 10! Good job as by 10pm I was fast a sleep in bed as I was shattered. So I didn’t end up staying up all night drinking on Monday night but I still managed to have some fun and a few drinks. One thing I have started to really like about staying in Manchester and please don’t think this is the best or only thing that’s good it’s the fact instead of taking about 1 hours to get to work it took me 16 mins! Wow, 16 mins!

Now to make my day better I pottered to a local greasy spoon where I think the cook looks like some one famous, I managed to take a sneaky photo for you to decide.

Is it just me?

Nothing like a early moring bulb change!

Some photo's from the live band night from last week.

Nothing like catching someone 'resting there eyes' at work

Sunday, September 24, 2006

long time no see

So you are probably wondering why you haven’t heard from me for a while well I have been in Manchester for the last few days livein what I would describe as living life to the full extent it can be, now I wont bore you with the full details of the my time in Manchester but I thought I would give you a blast of the high lights!

I parked my lovely car in the pleasant place of fallowfied on last Saturday only to come back on last Sunday to find both number plates had been stolen! Who steals number plates? Now with the recent change in the law I could not just go and buy some new ones, I have to have the car document and driving license to get new plates even though my car is sat out side with the obvious fact there are no plates on the dam thing, so on my way home the mighty Blackburn Rovers were at home playing the crappy Man City (4-2 by the way!) which also meant every single copper was between me and my house, now I car driving with out number plates tends to stick out like a sore thumb but did I get stopped? Nope! Now this is fine for me as spending 30mins or so explaining what had happened would have fit well in my time scale, so while I was fitting my new shiny number plates I noticed that the last 3 letters (UFB) of my reg could only have been put there for the sole purpose of that very day as on my knees fitting the tings it dawned on me it could stand for Un Fucking Believable! So new plates and back to Manchester!

Last Monday beckoned the latest instalment of the cast party and I had loads of fun! The DJ should have been taken out side and shot but every now and then she redeemed her self before slipping back in to the upsettingly poor music selection, even with this setting the night back the evening got better and better and then moved on to a different scale of fun, then after the good came the bad in the form of work so after getting 4hours sleep I was back up and working for what was to be a long day but after such a good time the night before there was nothing that would make me feel bad!

So only a few days home and then back to Manchester for a live mic night Thursday just gone to watch some ok artists and some good one’s. to prep for the day I drank! In the Sun no less with the ‘students’ even went to the fresher fair as they have some amazing posters which will be mine once I have some money and then to continue my live music theme for the week I want to another even down at the Joshua something something, another fantastic night although it was LOUD, to the point when I got out all I could hear was white noise and that was with the ear plugs Cinemec gave me (thx dude) So after what I would say was Enough to drink and another late night I hade to be back up and over the Cheshire for Bourons Birthday Quad Biking thing, So I'm hung over, Late, Still in my going out cloths and now firing round the wilderness on a quad bike, I could not stop smiling even when getting sprayed in cow shit! Did a bit of slow tracking but think the bloke liked us as we got to really give it some welly and had some moments where I tried to remember if I had paid my life insurance but all well worth it.

House Update! Did you think I had sold it? If only! The have to ring and book in the surveyors tomorrow which is the next big step so 1st thing and I'm on the phone, I will move hell and high water to get them to my house ASAP but we will see!

As for the blog I'm trying to make some small changes, well I'm always trying to make it look and load better so hang on tight oz it may be a bumpy ride!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just no time and lack of internet

dear readers, sorry for the lack of updates, i just don't seam to have any time! Got a few movies to review and some interesting tails to let you in on, things are good and no bank knocking down my door, got a trip to Manchester tomorrow with a gig to go to, should have some photo's for all of you to see.

Its 2 am and i have a early ish morning call tomorrow so i don't plan to waste the day in bed so this is the end for now! but stay tuned!


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hi your through to tech support how can I assist you today?

I have always been interested in computers, TV’s, HiFi, and that sort of thing for many years. this is great when it comes to getting the best for the least amount on money but there is a draw back, well it not a draw back as such but i think i could do with my very own tech support phone line for all friends and family to use when they need the human element to explain what all the tech talk means! for example, a cpu speed is like a big hammer and ram is the speed the hammer travels at! Sometimes its not that easy like when my friend pays £15.99 per month for dialup! WTF you can get broadband for £12.99 but do they want to listen? No! Next case Plz!

But then is the flip side of it, looking at a laptop of you know who and i just want to go through the thing and make it run faster, make all the file association work correctly, virus and spy ware checks and all the routine stuff as its never been done! but will she let me? Nope! Girls!

Things are good and last night wasn’t spent at home, don’t worry i feed the cats before i left and hopefully the Ex will feed them today but lets not forget there is a chance that will get messed up (got to carry some humour with that!) as i don’t think im home tonight! maybe my subconscious is slow moving me to Manchester with out me knowing about it! don’t think i have a problem with that but some money would be nice! Money doesn’t make people happy! it just makes things easier!

So not sure of where i will end up tonight but i know i will have a good time getting there!


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Back on track

After yesterdays new and pending financial ruin i spoke to the natwest help last night but they were unable to make me an appointment for the morning but did manage to ring me at 8:30am after I got in bed 6 hours earlier! I know it proactive but come on people all I want is two lay inns’s a month and today would have been one! So after me explain I was naked and would that be ok for the reminder of the conversation the lady on the other end sounded happy, I even thought it would have worked to soften her up but no joy, the verdict! Ok but not good, everything now is very tight and if this sale doesn’t go through I think very very drastic measures will have to be taken just to keep the house, I have to speak to the loan people tomorrow but that has headed for the collection department! And the mortgage has a slight stay of execution. Tick tock Tick tock! I even went to the back to sit down and talk all through this but they had no one available! So I got her to put a note on my file saying I had tried to sort this out but the bank were unaccommodating, don’t think that would work in my job, Sorry I cant put that film on I just don’t have the people! Can you make an appointment?

So with some more motivation thanks to yesterdays turn of event (aka getting screwed over) I managed to box up some more stuff and move it over to me mum’s, I think this work good for 2 reasons. 1-I can see what I haven’t packed yet and 2-I can move stuff from her house when I move, after explaining the events she gave me £20! Now I cant tell you how much this helps me right at the time but some how being 26 and taking money of my mum made me feel a little sad, 26! And my mum is giving me the opportunity to buy my tea and food for tomorrow, I know this is short term but at one point today I started to wonder when my life went so wrong, not my present life but the one that put me in the situation.

But I started in a bad mood and finished the day in a good one, why? Not to sure! The thought of what’s to come? The thought of a person? The movies I watched (reviews to come)?
On thing that did make me stand up and take count is an email I got from a friend, it a poem about the loss on September 11th in the New York city attacks.


If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will l always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

This made me realize how shot and unpredictable life can be and to take each day like it could be our last, now don’t get me wrong I plan to be here for sometime and I apologies to the people I may upset with that comment but that's my long term plan, Live! It also made me think of people who are special in my life and making every second count.

Another thing which made my hart stop today would have been the unnatural sound coming from my car, now there are some readers out there who would argue my car has never sounded like it should and on a cretin level I can agree but the little thing has kept me alive and keeps on going, tracked it down to the alternator but roller which is slowly slicing my belts! That’s good news coz at one point I thought it could have been the bearings which would cost a fortune and I don’t need to tell you that would not be a good thing! So after some small modification the noise is gone but the problem is still there so that is another trip to the garage but it will have to be a cheap one, I will try looking at it but I don’t hold much hope for that working.

So the plan for the next few days? Go a possible party sat night and its on like Donkey Kong Monday night as there is a work party and I tend to have loads of fun, and why break with tradition a visit to the girl friends to keep my happiness level above normal should be a possibility, after the weekend it should become easier for us to find the time we both want and with out the massive amount of traveling which come on people can only be a good thing!

I hope you are well and enjoying life how it should be!

Night all

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How else can i get screwed over?.

Ok to bring you up to speed with my financial standing I now cover 90% of all the out goings from my house, now I used to cover 50% but with the recent turn of events as you can imaging this changed, I got a lot of ‘that’s not my problem’ and other unsupportive comments (as it will be when the house is repossessed!) but as I'm happy so plodded along slowly sinking as I don’t earn enough to cover all the bills but with some saving I had (had as in past tense), the only thing that the Ex need to cover was a lone in both out names, now that’s 10% of keeping the house going from a full time wage so if you can do the maths you would think that it would be doable as I did. But after a phone call today (silver lining is she actually told me about it this time, not the best silver lining!) but that 10% is now just F**KED, the bank will no longer accept any payment from her on the only bill she has and they want to close her account! Now this has an impact on me as my name is on the dam thing as well as hers, why didn’t I just take it off her? Well I could not, in no way afford to pay that as well on top of everything else and the money I have spent on the house to make a quicker sale. So what next? Next stop is the bank to try and slow things down until the sale (please god go through!) of my house, I'm starting to think I'm with in my rights to ask for more that half the money as I have done all the work to the house (unless you class taking some bin bags to the tip and packing up a small hole work) made all the viewing arrangement, working with solicitors and estate agents, covered more that my fair share of all the bills and still been a nice guy about it but yet still months and months down the line I'm getting screwed over.

I add this blog in hopes weeks down the line I will be able to read this and think about the shit time I had to go through to get where I am now humm then, you know what I mean.

Thanks to Cinemec he has spared light on to my recent turn of events, Lissen closely.

Take the average amount of time you have had sex (lets call it one a week) times but the length of time together (10 years) work out how much money I have been scrwed over (£2000) divided buy how may time I had sex and that’s how much it cost me each time. So here it goes

Sex X Length = 520

2000/ 520 = £3.85 per lay!

Now that’s a barging in anybody’s book

Thanks mate!

Ok so now I have more time for you all, so Monday was a long day but fun, a lot of fun! Still have the hassle of travailing which can be crap when you fancy a few drinks or the fact it takes me 50 mins to get home but lets all remember, Short Amount of Time.

The house situation get better, been on to the estate agent today and the survey has been paid for and should be end of this week or beginning of next week but as you may now know im calling them tomorrow to get it for the end of this week, they told me to speed things up I have to get on to everyone and I told them buy then end of this sale they wont like me any more! If it sells my house so be it.

So I got hair dryer! This would be the first hair dryer I have ever owned, as far back as I can remember my hair has never been that long, but over the last few years it would get to a cretin length and I would want to let it grow but after a few weeks it would just annoy me and I would end up getting it cut. Well recently I think I have got the energy or passion to let it get longer than I have ever had it but I did bump in to a problem! That would be drying the dam thing so I got a hair dryer! Got it of ebay and didn’t really pay much attention to all the ‘extras’ as long as hot air comes out one end and its easier to use that the electric heater I used to use I would be happy. So it came yesterday, I got a hair dryer, comb, brush, diffuser!, and 3 curling things! What Im I going to do with curling things? Well im going to try and use them some how just to see what I can come up with.

As for my night last night it was fantastic, got to meet some new people and some people I had only meet briefly before and it went well, ended up in a beer garden (my favourite one) and I got to have the ‘designated driver’ one pint before I hit Coke! This dose annoy me sometimes and please don’t think I have a drink problem but when people are drinking and having fun to be able to only have one drink for me can be crap. But I didn’t let this get me down and powered through the crap feeling to have fun and I did have fun. I ended back at you know who’s house, well her room! (I remember when I used to have a room!) and ended up sneaking out of her house in the wee hours. I don’t really want to go in to much detail and not the type of detail you may be thinking of but lets just say I couldn’t stop smiling until I had to go.

Boo Hoo! I think so! pitty the fool!

Enjoy the day people

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Must sleep!

Cant stop for long, it been a long day, up at 7:15am, to work till 4pm then the rest of the night in Liverpool having an excellent night! Would you expect anything less? But not 2:38am has rolled along and my lack of food and sleep has hit me and now I must rest! But be assured if time will allow me I will be back to enlighten you on why such a long day could have been so good.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bus man's Holiday

Hi all, How's tricks? That’s good/not good to hear!

What i have been up to! Well after finishing work yesterday i managed to get to the cinema and watch the new remake of the wicker man, now i have heard a lot about the old one and how good and dark it is which sounded good but how ever sometimes annoying the remake epically when its got an American stamp can become very poor film i found my self liking the film. With Nicolas Cage staring i really enjoyed his slightly crazy character which even brought some humor.
Being in the projection industry you find you become annoyed when the small things about watching a poorly presented film crop ups, and here they are, Hair in the gate, poor seats, out of focus, base and emulation tram line scratch (only small) but instead of being annoyed i enjoyed the film, now may be i have learnt now to block these things out or that’s wasn’t the most important thing that night but the night it self was, It was fantastic to do what most people consider a date, and go to the cinema, get a drink, some chocolate and enjoy a film, and I did! I had an amazing night and can’t wait to make it a regular thing. Now don’t get me wrong there was one crap part of the night but its something im more than willing to put up with it for the time being and that would be the drive, I love my car but I don’t love the M57, M6, and what ever other M I drive down, I don’t thinks it’s the drive but the distance I have to travel and not even the time it takes from my day but the fact its something in the way but with the current turn of event this distance will slowly become shorter and shorter until I car wont even be needed. There was something unexpected to the evening and that was the gift, over the last few weeks I have managed to pick up a few things for her of the great and powerful ebay, just a few posters to bring some color to her new flat but this was returned, now I know what you may think I should have been expecting something like that to happen and maybe I did but this was drawn by her and suited me perfectly and its amazing. Let me get chance to get it in a frame and I will post I pic of it. It was really nice!

So today consisted of a lie in and about god dam time, ok the last lie in I should of lied in I showed the people who are buying my house around so that one is fine but its been along time, I managed 11am, WTF? Not even midday! I also moved a friend in to her new apartment, She is a student so don’t think of a flash pad with glass walls but still it nice and I got out of Salford with my car, keys, money and life so a good job!

So lets talk mood! And it a good one! I was told by someone close to me to just stop and remember I have sold my house! Ever now and then just to remember that there is no reason this won’t go through, and her confidence is starting to rub off! Not just the house but all things in life feel good even if some parts are challenging.
One thing i have started to think about would be my new flat! Come on people say it with me!

New Flat! now i have something’s i would like and that would be, A bed room big enough for a couch, some where to park and enough room to swing a cat if i even wanted to, but just the thought of what could be and chatting with my future flat mate about all the possibilities make me think and start to look around, now i have looked around but now its serous as this will be my new home, my brother has an estate agent friend so there is the chance of great things here!
And all this still with a cough and a bugger one at that! But my body is a temple (not quite sure to who yet) and i think it will be victors!

Night all x

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day trip to Liverpool

I got to travel to the beautiful city of Liverpool to have a look around and see some of the sights and what a day, it have some beautiful buildings and small bars and cinema's, all i could ever need i think, got some photo's of the Cathedral which don’t show the true scale of the place, its huge! i mean really big

As for the photo of the person
in the stain glass im sure its a he
but it could be a her who just
looks like a he, answers on a post card!

I had a wonderful day and even got to look round the FACT cinema, Projection tend to stick together so they were more than happy to show us around the projection booths, and what nice booth's they had! Government run! all the money in the world!
I did get to see you know who and about god dam time! It was really nice to get to spend some time together as for me it seams to be few and far between but hopefully i can change that this week depending on out side events, Something i have to keep reminding my self is this all on a time scale, it wont be to long down the line when i think back and it will be like a distant memory and i could never think of living any where else apart from Manchester.
The house is moving along, spent yesterday bugging the estate agent, trying to get things moving quicker as the chat with the bank didn’t go well, Natwest Sucks and HSBC Rocks! i cant believe how different both banks can be but makes me sure im going back to HSBC when i move, they love me unlike Natwest. But now i have accepted the offer its all just time and a bit of luck but the hard part is over! So So So Happy!

Pan's Labyrinth is a new film coming out and it looks amazing, you all should check out the trailer here It looks like it could be something wonderful but being in Spanish it would have to come with subtitles which in my books is a set back (yep its just laziness)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lets get the ball rolling!

Hi all, Lets start with some good news! I have had a serous offer on my house! Can you believe it! I cant! I cant describe how happy this makes me, and other viewing tomorrow! This could be the start of the end in a cretin way and im so so so happy!

Went out Sunday and had a fantastic day, yes day of drinking, lets see how it went

It was really good to meet up with some old friends and chat over old times, and find out how and where all our lives have take us, I seam to be the only one with out kids, which is not to say I have it better but kinda makes me think how difficult things could have been for me now.

So another night out tomorrow hopeful although I have hit a financial wall, so a chat to both banks is on the books as well as the estate agent, selling a house takes time and that’s something I seam to be running out of but that’s not going to stop me from having fun. And I have plans to see the girl friend as again its been a while and im really looking forward to seeing her as would any boy friend, I know over the last few blogs I may have come across as a little down in the dumps but I really feel things are on the up, I still have some way to go but god dam its in the right direction and im determent to make this sale work with every ounce of being. And my mood change is partially down to some one who has really helped me through this time in my life and not with money or help on my house but with my mind and the way to deal with things which im not going in to, please don’t think im so unhinged I’ll just kill every one at work but I think any one going through tough times in there life have ‘issues’ that crop up and most of the time it thing you would never even think could be a problem but saying that I have been told two things recently which stuck in my mind.

1, I didn't land on my feet, I landed on my feet running!

2, For me to feel the way I do I must have wanted this.

And when you friends who have know me for some time tell me they have never seen me so happy this makes me feel a live, even with the carp I cant remember being so truly happy, I mean happy to the core! Something I have started to do is ‘enjoy the moment’ We go through life planning the next minute, hour, day, week, month, year instead of just stopping and enjoying right now, a meal, a drink, company, and with out the joy from such simple things what’s the point of everything? Don’t get me wrong planning for the future is sensible but so is taking time out to enjoy right now.

So it to late and someone has to be up early so good night all

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Afternoon of drinking planned

Im going to catch up with some old friends today for a few drinks and soon pool! im looking forward to it as it been a long long time since we all came together.

As for the last few days they have been ok, got load done yesterday in my new role at work which was really good, think after my down i hit an up and feel great and positive, another true example of ups and downs? The day before i helped my mum wit here new laptop, spent 4o mins driving round looking for an unprotected wifi network to download her latest updates (if your that stupid not to protect you wifi network then you should expect some car parked out side you house using you internet) as her dialup was taking forever to download the dam things, i think dialup should be outlawed.

So got to go and get drunk,

love you!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

starting to notice a pattern

I want to sell my house and move on with my life, what more can i say! AS i sit here with things going well all i want right now is to move, its like i can see what my life can be but cant get there, all the fun, joy, love, happiness and its all just out of reach, i almost get a glimpse of what can be before i have to come back to the reality of what and where i have to be, i suppose i have to get through the carp times to get to the good but i wish i could just move on and be the person i want to be and where i want to be but hey that’s life!?!? I wish it wasn’t!

Tomorrow is a new day and you never know it may be the day i have been waiting for and i try to keep the sunny side of life going but there seams to be a place where this becomes difficult and that’s where i once called home, but now it just a place, some where i keep my stuff and sleep and have to come back to, notice the word 'have' as if i had the choice i would never come back to but have to day after day.

maybe its my man flu, maybe i have just had enough, maybe im right, maybe im scared but all i know for sure is right now.... well its not a good feeling but tomorrow is a new day and im at work and not home so things will be better.

Night all where ever you maybe!

Friday, September 01, 2006

my trip home vid (about time!)

Good evening all, so after some very hard work with adobe’s video editing software and on help from the forum I managed to get the dam video made of my wonderful trip home from work last Saturday,

Well my deadly illness is still with me and I even thought about checking with the NHS to see if there are any wild, tropical strains of the flu going round as this doesn’t feel good, the other possibility is I have Man Flu, now this isn’t to be confused with any other types of flu and should be taken very seriously as it is life threatening! Ok maybe not but god dam its taken it toll on me! As for the rest of everything else? Its all good, its not easy at work just getting this promotion and being ill as this is the time I put all the effort in and with the next few weeks looking like a baptism of fire I really need to get me game on, got quite a heavy day of planning for my day at work and I may even possibly watch a film seeing I only have 1 free ticket left to last me the next 4 weeks! But it all depends on how I feel as at the moment all I want to do is sleep!

No more new on the house and how ever I try to stay positive it slowly becoming hard, also the fact no matter how much money I save or don’t spent it is impossible for me to earn enough to cover all the bills I have been landed in, time is becoming more and more of an issue but hey in not going to let it get me down as there is nothing I can do about it!

Time to sleep, night all x

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So if you followed my last blog you would know I didn't exactly feel like a million dollars last night and with an impending night out planned it was my full intention to go out and enjoy it, can I say my plan work hands down, after what I could describe as a massive intake of caffeine I was more than ready of a fantastic night out and guess what! I did! The only thing that let me down was my voice and god did it hurt to talk.

So it started off with me meeting the girl friend and a good friend of hers so we could make our way to the karaoke bar, It was good to see her as it had been about a week since our last encounter and how ever much I want to keep what I have casual and what you would describe as any new relationship a week for me felt like a long time, epically when I have such a good time when im around her. So we made our way to the bar and despite the venue being not the best place in Manchester I had a fantastic time, I got to meet up and have a great time with some work friends and some old faces I don’t see as often, So after quite a few beers and loads of fun later (pictures supplied) and at the very end of the night we made our way back to hers which included a conversation about which is more painful, child birth or getting kicked in the nuts! We decided one was natural and the other wasn’t so we couldn’t compare but being a man you can imaging where my vote lies, now don’t forget I felt very very rough a few hours before this but I was still going strong at 4am so I think my plan of medication worked a treat. I only managed a few hours sleep before I took both of them out for a full English breakfast and a brew, I don’t even want to get started which is better, Tea or coffee! Come on Coffee drinkers back me up here! After a bus ride in to Manchester I left them both and picked up my stuff from work to make my way home until I decided I didn't want to stop the day there when it comes to the girl in my life so after some confusing text I decided to give them both a lift home, now this did add some mileage to my trip but to spend a little more time chatting it was well worth it. Now im happy which is all I need and the rest is just not worth think about so I as I hope you see had a amazing time, what is a good feeling is this is a two way thing and we plan to meet up aging soon but with work and other plans in life I know this wont be as soon as I would like but hey that’s life!

Back to the boring parts of life but I did manage to get a phone conversation sparked by the resent youtube new stories with her which toped my night off, now as for youtube I think it fantastic and what every you look at in detail will have parts that society wont like and that’s what is happening with youtube now, it funny to hear people say ‘they will shut it down’ Plz people you must be having a laugh, there is no chance and I would protest if they tried as I think it is a wonderful expression and has some amazing films/videos.

Now with my illness and lack of sleep I intend to get in bed before midnight, the last time this happened I think I was still as school but needs must and all that!

I would have put me new video of my breakdown online by now but with the state of the art editing software falling short when it comes to some easy clips im having trouble but I will stick with it and with all the power I have will try and get it on line soon.

Have fun!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Big night out!

So after Friday and the very good news i got i was slightly disappointed not to be going out due to a lack of somewhere to stay so along comes Tuesday and a night out for a friends birthday! So not only do i get to celebrate a friends birthday but the good new a got as well to but to top it all of i get to see the girl im seeing! it been about a week sine our paths last crossed so as you can imagine im quite excited and would even say giddy about tonight, i got up this morning and felt like crap and it got worse all day, now i admit the best thing for me would be to go home get in bed and get some rest but if you think thats my plans for to night you sadly mistaken, there is no chance in hell im going to miss to night. So Coffee, Red Bull and flu tablets should set me of on the right foot to stay alive for to night, i say stay alive as thats the only thing that would stop me from going out, when i think about it i think my friend wouldnt mind if i called a sicky for her party and there will be plenty of time for me the celebrate my new job but there is no chance i would miss a night out with you know who! Mind over matter! Now the question is can i last the night? Well i hope to but im sure feeling the way i do right now i expect to hit a few bumps in the road but bring it on!

I look forward to reading this blog entry tomorrow (day off thank god) to see if my passion is misplaced and foolish or my body can make me proud and take me all the way!

Stay tuned for the day after report!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

to fix or not to fix, that is the question!

So after a late night i had the job of fixing my car today, Now to do this i was going to need the parts and thankfully there are some local shops that could possibly have what i needed, so the nest problem how to get there! Now after doing some searching on google i found this thing where u put one foot in front of the other, shift you weight and move the other foot past the other one and so on and so forth, they call it 'walking'. What a strange and new fangled way of getting round, so always up for new and exciting things i thought i would give it a try and what do you know it works, granted it not as fast as a car and you dont get any luxury that you would normal take for granted from driving but it dose get you where you need to be going. So after mastering this new way to trivial i got the parts i needed and spend an hour or so fitting them, and now for the moment of truth! Would the dam thing start as i did use the very last bit of power to keep my stereo going sat on the side of the road last night, Keys in, lights came on, and hay presto! it started and like nothing had been wrong with it! So i was more than happy but .....

Karma strikes again, for some reason my tinternet/phone line is not working, just take a deep breath and remember these things are sent to try us! i think the line is dead so im hoping there is a problem with the exchange and not a unpaid bill! So for the smart one's who are wondering how can he write his blog with out the use of the internet? Well thats all thanks to the bloke across the street who with his complete lack of router knowledge has left there router open! Now i have tried to explain to them about there open network but he keeps telling me he has a firewall, Im trying to find a stupid stick to beat him with but no luck so far. He started to park in front of me drive way a while ago so i set his router up so he could only connect to the internet for 60secods before he was disconnected, took him 2 weeks to get the message and what do you know! He no longer dose it! You may think this is harsh but it only using my knowledge to get my point across!

So in a nut shell car works, internet doesn’t! i think god my be sat up stairs thinking this bloke is in to good of a mood, lets change that! well he can give it a go but i hate to say (touch wood) he's going to have to try dam hard!